The Ansel Adams Wilderness in the Sierra National Forest is home to a stunning high-elevation lake, surrounded by majestic mountain peaks towering above a dense pine and conifer forest. However, reaching this picturesque destination is an incredible challenge.

The access road, Kaiser Pass Road (County Road 80), is a steep two-way route with hairpin turns barely wide enough for a single vehicle. Sheer drop-offs line the broken, paved road that resembles a treacherous goat trail more than a proper highway. Drivers must navigate this treacherous path while praying they don't encounter oncoming traffic, as one vehicle would have to painfully reverse. Large RVs, vehicles with trailers, and anything without four-wheel drive are strongly discouraged from attempting this perilous journey.

Despite the daunting drive, Thomas Edison Lake rewards visitors with outstanding natural scenery. The crystal-clear waters, minimal boat traffic, and abundant trout make it an ideal destination for paddling and fishing enthusiasts seeking a remote, peaceful experience. After an early morning on the lake, one can relax on the sandy beaches or take a refreshing, if somewhat chilly, swim.

Map of Thomas Edison Lake

Copyright © 2013 to Present, Janice L Green Paddling