The rolling,
grass-covered hills surrounding San Antonio
Lake are dotted with a mix of live oak and
chaparral. For a more leisurely paddle,
boaters can use the three launch points to
explore the lake in sections.
The lake's narrow width allows paddlers to
easily cross to the opposite shore, but
caution is advised due to fast-moving
powerboats and jet skis. Just south of the
Harris Creek campground launch is a scenic,
meandering cove that provides a more
secluded retreat. This quiet haven contrasts
sharply with the main body of the lake,
where the powerboats create a faster-paced
Submerged tree hazards prevent powerboats
from entering the cove, where the water
tends to be calmer. San Antonio Lake is
renowned for its excellent year-round
warm-water fishing, with popular species
including largemouth bass, stripers, channel
catfish, crappie, redear, and bluegill.
Overall, San Antonio Lake offers both
beautiful scenery and outstanding paddling
and fishing opportunities for visitors.
Map of San Antonio Lake