The Channel Islands Harbor in California offers excellent paddling opportunities thanks to its amazing year-round weather and clear, protected waters. Located between Port Hueneme and Ventura, the harbor is divided into three distinct areas—the west, east, and peninsula—each with its own public access roads and amenities.

Paddlers of all skill levels can enjoy exploring the harbor's waterfront or venturing out to the nearby islands and marine sanctuary.

The harbor's diverse fish population, including salmon, tuna, halibut, and a variety of rockfish, makes it a popular destination for anglers using fly-fishing, baitcasting, or spinning gear.

Whether you're in the mood for an easy paddle or a more challenging adventure, the Channel Islands Harbor provides the perfect setting, with ample opportunities to launch canoes, kayaks, and stand-up paddleboards.

Map of Channel Island Harbor

Copyright © 2013 to Present, Janice L Green Paddling