Pics: Sam Mills

Discover the Best Places to Kayak, Canoe and SUP Board in California!

Humboldt Bay  

Canoes and kayaks as well as paddle boards are popular for exploring the salt marshes that ring Humboldt Bay. Humboldt Bay consists of two basins. The northern basin is the . ....  


Iron Canyon Reservoir   

Iron Canyon Reservoir is located in a sparsely populated region in a thickly wooded area about 25-miles north of the town of Big Bend. The long and winding access road becomes more difficult to drive on the....

  Hookton Slough     Spaulding Lake    Kirkwood Lake

Hookton Slough is at the top of the northern coast of California on the southeastern side of the Humboldt Bay. It is one of the top wildlife viewing destinations in the...


One Spaulding Lake’s dazzling vistas, deep blue skies, and sparkling water draw paddlers to this remarkable destination from miles away. While you take in the scenery... 


The radiant beauty of this tiny alpine haven located amidst magnificent pines and a boulder-covered shoreline would be an ideal paddling destination, if it weren’t for the crowds. ...


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