Featured Photographer: Lyrinda Snyderman Bio:
Lyrinda Snyderman began kayaking in 1954 when her
uncle sat her in his FolBot on Squibnocket Pond in
Chilmark, Massachusetts. In 1971, she bought her
first kayak, a two-seater folding
Klepper Aerius.
Since then Lyrinda has paddled rivers, lakes and
ponds, bays and seacoasts, primarily in New England
and California.
Lyrinda has canoe-camped the Allagash in Maine
and Glacier Bay, Alaska, each for a week, and the
Gulf Islands, British Columbia, for four nights.
She paddled in Boothbay Harbor and Vinalhaven
Island, Maine,“Last summer I kayaked down the
Colorado River from Glen Canyon Dam to Lee’s Ferry
and on Lake Mendenhall in Juneau, AK. I have also
whitewater rafted the Stanislaus, the American, the
Merced, Cache Creek and the Youghiogheny, as well as
the Rio Grande,” Lyrinda shares.
Lyrinda’s amazing kayaking adventures extend
worldwide. She has kayaked through the limestone
karst islands of Vietnam’s Ha Long Bay and
Thailand’s Ko Phi Phi islands, in the Everglades,
various Caribbean islands, Belize, Baja California
and Jamaica.
Lyrinda currently resides in Berkley, California.
She is a member of the Dolphin Club, Bay Area Sea
Kayakers (BASK) and the Petaluma Paddlers, where she
enjoys kayaking on the San Francisco Bay, the Estero
Americano, Drake’s Estero, Tomales Bay, and the
Russian, American, Mokelumne, Consumnes, Albion and
the Big Rivers. She also loves the many Northern
California lakes and the dramatic seacoasts
Monterey and Santa Cruz. “A favorite regular spot
is Elkhorn Slough, from the Kirby put-in,” Lyrinda
Over the years, Lyrinda has perfected the art of
photographing spontaneous moments that has captured
many outstanding images. “Kayaking and photography
go hand-in-hand. It is an adventure, and I am always
amazed by the beautiful settings I have kayaked. I
enjoy photographing both wildlife and landscapes
from my kayak,” Lyrinda exclaims.