Nestled in California's Sierra Nevada
mountains, Mammoth Lakes is a premier
outdoor destination. This picturesque basin
is surrounded by fragrant pine forests and
majestic peaks, offering some of the state's
finest paddling opportunities. Winters here
can bring over 100 inches of snow, but
summer is an ideal time to visit, with the
Mammoth Lakes Basin located at 9,000 feet
elevation off Interstate 395 and Highway
The largest lake in the basin is the popular
Lake Mary, loved by kayakers, canoers, and
stand-up paddleboarders. When not on the
water, visitors can explore the many hiking
trails with stunning vistas. Lake Mary is
also a renowned kayak fishing spot, though
nearby Twin Lakes attracts even more
In total, the Mammoth Lakes Basin contains
ten lakes, including Lake Mamie, Lake
George, Crystal Crag, McCloud, Twin,
Barrett, TJ, and Horseshoe Lake. Of these,
only Lake Mary, George, Mamie, Horseshoe,
and Twin are vehicle-accessible, allowing
paddlers to launch wi thout
portaging. All the basin's lakes permit
paddling, though Horseshoe Lake is closed to
camping and boating due to detected carbon
dioxide gas.
Map of Lake Mary