The picturesque Lake Elsinore, nestled in the foothills of the Ortega Mountain Range, draws outdoor enthusiasts in droves. As the largest freshwater lake in Southern California, it offers a wealth of aquatic recreation, especially on summer weekends. To avoid the crowds and heat, consider an early weekday paddle at sunrise. However, this lake can prove challenging for novice kayakers.

Lake Elsinore provides diverse opportunities for the adventurous spirit, from hiking and mountain biking to picnicking. Yet to truly immerse oneself in the experience, one must take to the water - gliding across the sun-dappled surface by kayak, canoe, or paddleboard.

Popular activities on the lake include jet skiing, waterskiing, and fishing. Casting a lure from your kayak and trolling the line often yields impressive catches, such as largemouth bass, catfish, crappie, bluegill, and various panfish, though trout are notably absent.

The next time you visit the area, be sure to take full advantage of all that scenic Lake Elsinore has to offer.

Map of Lake Elsinore

Copyright © 2013 to Present, Janice L Green Paddling